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The The New England Dist. Co. Distillery
RD #11, 6 th District
Kenton County, KY

(Est. 1892)

Cecil (1999) provides some history: he notes that the distillery was originally Crigler & Crigler's head office and rectifying house (1885), but was acquired by the New England Distilling Co. for manufacture of rum.

Insurance underwriter records compiled in 1892 suggest that the distillery property included a single bonded warehouse. It was of frame construction with a shingle roof, 12 ft north of the still. At that time, it was being operated by the New England Distillery Co.

The distillery continued producing rum during Prohibition for use as a flavoring agent in tobacco, operated by Henry Pogue and Herbert Hoffheimer. It was later acquired by Schenley (Cecil, 1999).

Review bonded warehouse transactions for this distillery

Internal Revenue recorded warehouse transactions for The The New England Dist. Co. Distillery as follows:
( explain: origin of these records, letter codes )

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