
Original artwork and Greeting cards
by JuliaJaneArt



Grand Rapids, MI.
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Est. 1883.
The full history of the business, along with images of many colorful artefacts from the company, can be found on Peter Biggins' website, which details the history of his family. His story on William Drueke begins as follows:

     "In 1883, after working for William Hake for seven years, William Peter Drueke started his own wholesale liquor business with Alexander Kennedy, Drueke & Kennedy, on the east side of the Grand River at 25 Canal Street (now Monroe Avenue NW, north of Pearl). After a year at 25 Canal Street, the business was located at 76 N. Waterloo Street (now Monroe Avenue NW, between Fulton and Lewis), still on the east side of the river.

The Michigan Tradesman for May 9, 1888, reported that William Peter Drueke and Alexander Kennedy had dissolved their partnership of the last five years. William Peter was taking stock and fixtures to 16 and 18 Crescent Avenue on the east side of the river, where he would continue business".

View as cached, 12/16/2008

The company used the brand names:
"Lakeside Club", "Lakeside Club Bouquet", "Loreley", and "Old Cargo."

Business name timeline:
Drueke & Kennedy (1883-1888), William Drueke (1889-1890), Wm Drueke Co. (1897-1908), Drueke-Lynch Co. (1911-1917)

Address timeline:
25 Canal St. (1883), 76 N Waterloo St. (1884-1888), 16-18 Crescent Ave (1889-1890), 30 N Ionia (1897-1908), 13-15 Ionia Ave SW. (1911-1917)

Company premises, c. 1917

Business category timeline (abbreviations decoded below):

Years that company appeared in directories
Years directories were consulted
Grand Rapids directory notes

The images below are thumbnails linked to listing pages containing larger, more detailed images and links to related material.
Click on the thumbnails for more information.






Appearance in directories:
1900, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1911, 1917

Directories consulted:
1882, 1900, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1911, 1917, 1919

Grand Rapids directory notes:
W - Wholesalers, V-R - Retail. There are no listings for distillers in the years sampled. In 1919, there are no liquor-related listings.

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