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The Old '76 Distillery
RD #33, 6 th District
Campbell County, KY

Insurance underwriter records compiled in 1892 suggest that the distillery was new and built of brick with a metal or slate roof. The property included a four bonded warehouses, also of brick construction with metal or slate roofs:
Warehouse No. 1 (also called Warehouse "C") -- part free, located 75 ft west of the still.
Warehouse No. 2 (also called Warehouse "D") -- located 65 ft NW of the still. Adjoins Warehouse "F".
Warehouse No. 3 (also called Warehouse "E") -- located 140 ft NW of the still adjoining "D". Separated from Warehouse "D" by a firewall.
Warehouse No. 4 (also called Warehouse "F") -- located 9 ft NW of the still.

In 1892, the distillery was owned by Geo. W Robson Jr & Co., aka Licking Bourbon Distilling Co.

Aliases that this distillery's product was sold under
Review bonded warehouse transactions for this distillery

The Old '76 Distillery provided product that was sold under the following aliases:

Internal Revenue recorded warehouse transactions for The Old '76 Distillery as follows:
( explain: origin of these records, letter codes )

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