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The Montrose Distillery
RD #8, 23 rd District
Armstrong County, PA

(Est. 1870)

This distillery is believed to be the one built for P McGonigle & Son in 1869, becoming operational in 1870. It was located in Buffalo township adjoining Freeport. (information from the History of Butler County Pennsylvania, 1895)

In 1875, McGonegal, Helmbold & Co. sold out to A. Guckenheimer & Bros. of Pittsburgh, who used it to make the "Montrose" brand. The distillery was operated under the name of "Pennsylvania Distilling Company ".

In 1881, the distillery was surveyed by Ernest Hexamer (see http://www.philageohistory.org/rdic-images/view-image.cfm/HGSv17.1603 for a detailed plan). The survey suggests that the distillery dated to 1874 and notes it employed 12 men in the production of whiskey. The still was made of wood with a capacity of 125 gallons, heated by steam. It supplied two bonded warehouses that had been built in 1876, and 1881, with a combined capacity of around 20,000 barrels.

In July of 1889, fire razed the distillery, but a new modern plant was erected in its place. It became operational in 1890, producing 50 barrels per day.

In 1893, the distillery was again surveyed by Ernest Hexamer (see http://www.philageohistory.org/rdic-images/view-image.cfm/HGSv28.2659-2660). The survey notes that ten men were employed inside the dsitillery, ten outside. The new still was again made of wood with a capacity of 125 gallons, heated by steam. It supplied four bonded warehouses that had been built in 1876, 1881, 1885 and 1893, total capacity 50,000 barrels.

Review bonded warehouse transactions for this distillery

Internal Revenue recorded warehouse transactions for The Montrose Distillery as follows:
( explain: origin of these records, letter codes )

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