Emanuel Eising & Co. operated from at least 1880 until Prohibition. Early letterheads show that they also owned the The Baltimore Distilling Co. of Baltimore, MD. By 1913, they claim only to be stockholders, but they also claim a stake in The Commercial Distilling Co. of Terre Haute, IN.
Emanuel Eising was born in Wallerstein, Bavaria, Germany in 1836 to parents of Jewish heritage. His Mother, Babette Wertheimer, had been born in Manhattan but following her marriage to Henlein Eising, a German 18 years her elder, she moved back with her husband to Bavaria. The entire family likely re-entered the United States sometime in the 1840's-1850's and settled in New York City. Henlein died in Manhattan in 1862.
In 1864 Emanuel married Augusta Carolina Blun, a New York resident. She was from Prussia, born in Worms, Hesse, in 1845. Nine years younger than her husband, she would bear him seven children, four boys and three girls.
By the 1870s, Emanuel was in the whiskey trade. The 1880 census shows him living in Manhattan with Augusta, their children, and three servants, including a German nurse, an Austrian cook, and an Irish maid.
Eising's son Harry joined the family business upon coming of age and was sent periodically to Baltimore to look after his father's distilling interests.
Prohibition brought and end to the business. Emanuel died in 1924, age of 88. He is buried with his wife and other family members in Salem Fields Cemetery, Brooklyn.
The company used the brand names: "Caracas bitters", "Heart of Maryland", "Marshall", "Old Dominion", "Old Manor", "Orient", "Rocky Creek", and "Stag." | | Business name timeline: Emanuel Eising & Co.
Address timeline: 47-49 Front St. (1880-1906), 51 Water St. (1917) | Company premises on Front St. |
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