Est. 1867. See Eggart & Herbst for prior years. They also had a branch (distributing) office in Chicago (listed 1901-1913). Herbst was also operating as the Old Judge Distillery Co., with while their distillery was in Frankfort, KY.
The company used the brand names: "Benson Creek", "Benson Creek Rye", "Chancellor Club", "Chancellor Club", "Clifton Spring", "Herbst Pot Still", "Jno. E. Fitzgerald", "Jno. E. Fitzgerald", "John E. Fitzgerald", "Old Fitzgerald", "Old Fitzgerald", "Old Judge", "Old Judge Pot Still", and "The Chancellor Cocktails." | | Business name timeline: Solomon C Herbst (1870-1881), S C Herbst Importing Co. (1889-1918)
Address timeline: 401-407 Chestnut |  The Distillery (#11, 7th Dist.) in Frankfort, ca. 1916 | Business category timeline (abbreviations decoded below): W, J (1889)
Years that company appeared in directories
Years directories were consulted
Milwaukee directory notes
The images below are thumbnails linked to listing pages containing larger, more detailed images and links to related material. Click on the thumbnails for more information.
Appearance in
directories: 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1889, 1890, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918
consulted: 1862, 1863, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1875, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1889, 1890, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918
Milwaukee directory
notes: W = Wines & Liquors, Wholesale, I = Wines & Liquors, Importers, D = Distillers, V = Wines, Manufacturers, V-R = Wines, Retail., J = Wines & Liquors Jobbers.
No listings published for 1864. All the street addresses have increased in number in 1865, suggesting a city-wide street renumbering. 1867/1868 - Chesnut now being spelled Chestnut. The 1870's directories include two copies made at separate times, judging by quality and clarity. In 1878, there seems to be a mismatch between the two, with one set being superfluous. The pages labelled 1876, Wines & liquors. contain all new names and it's possible that Wines & Liquors Retail were split from Wholesale during this year. Thus, until verified by consulting the directories in person, the accuracy of the dating during this decade should be suspect. No distillers for 1881. Large gap 1882-1888, but in 1889, "Wines & Liquors Jobbers" are split out. Large gap for 1891-1896. Jobbers listing is only a partial for 1903. No pages for 1907, any category. 1908 saw the addresses of many businesses change- not because of street renumbering but perhaps because of city expansion? Distillers only for 1909. Wines & Liquors Retail are no longer available from 1910 on.
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