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----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard.C.Lucchesi"
To: "Robin R. Preston"
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 2:10 PM
Subject:  Found in the Wild!!


Hi Robin!

I had a bit of luck about a month ago. I went into an antique shop in Marin County
(about 20 miles north of San Francisco) and was looking at a dozen new shot
glasses when I saw a thin gold rim glass in the back of the bunch. I immediately
reached for the glass and to my surprise it was a Metropole Theo Gier Oakland
glass with the RED TG monogram (and the picture of buildings and a ship). The
glass was MINT!!! Couldn't find a price on the glass but then noticed a small
sign to the left of the glasses "ALL SHOT GLASSES $1.00" Not the rarest of
glasses but a nice 2 color shot. Now I know that I already owned one of these
glasses so when I got home I compared the glasses to see which one I wanted
to keep. To my surprise again, this glass was different than the one that I already
had in the collection, same design, but in much larger letters! So I'm now the owner
of the two variants. You never know, once in awhile luck is on your side!!!

Rich Lucchesi
Santa Rosa, CA