
Original artwork and Greeting cards
by JuliaJaneArt




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ID#: RRP1245
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Glass Category:Liquor advertising
Glass Type:Baby thin-walled shot
Label Type:Usual white-etched label
Dimensions:2" x 1-11/16 " x 1-1/4"
Edmonson:Not listed
Geo. W Schmidt Co. listed from 1870-1918.

The address shown on the glass dates it to 1915-1918.

The following is taken from the "Pittsburgh and Allegheny Illustrated Review: Historical, Biographical and Commercial". It was published by J M Elstner & Co., Pittsburgh, PA., in 1889:

G. W. Schmidt. - Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh.
This well known house came into existence a half century past. It was founded by William Schmidt, the father of the present owner, and was conducted by him from 1836 to 1854, after that time until 1865 by his son Joseph Schmidt. He was then succeeded by G. W. Schmidt and W. J. Friday as Schmidt & Friday, until October 1st., 1888, and then by G. W. Schmidt. As it was then constituted and as it now remains when it has come to a golden epoch in its history as a progressive house in Western Pennsylvania.

The first habitation of the firm was established at No. 409 Penn avenue, then known as Bayardstown. The wines first imported for the founders of the house were shipped in sailing vessels to New Orleans, and thence by the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers to this city. After the opening of the Pennsylvania Canal they were delivered by sailing vessels to New York, and from thence by the old time canal boat. The journey from the wine cellars of Europe to this city then consumed from four to six months, while at the present time by steamer and the use of cable, it requires about fourteen days for the filling of an order.

Today G. W. Schmidt handles all goods that are known to the wine and liquor trade. He imports from Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Hungaria, Russia, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, England, Ireland and Scotland. He has also arrangements with the winegrowers of Napa Valley for California Wine. As to his cigar trade, he only handles the choicest brands. He has completed satisfactory arrangements with the leading firms of Havana and has spared no pains to make this department a success, and guarantees satisfaction in every particular. The stock of G. W. Schmidt is the largest in the trade, and he has demands on it front all parts of the United States, from Maine to California. His Blended Whiskies are large and well stocked, and are classed as A1.

The house has a large and growing family trade, and to a large measure to supply this department he has removed to the present central location, which was opened May 24th., 1886. In speaking of this opening the Pittsburgh Press made the following comments: "Formal opening of the Schmidt Building," "Colossal Establishment," "A Triumph of Architectural Art Blended with Mercantile Enterprise." "The son of Jupiter himself would have found pleasure in the scene enacted in G. W. Schmidt's new building on Fifth Avenue yesterday. The portals were extended at nine am., and crowds poured through this kingly structure, animated by a curiosity to behold the consummation of an idea which has been a long cherished dream of S. W. Schmidt for years. Today he occupies the finest structure in the land devoted to the wholesale wine, liquor and cigar business. Its proportions are grand and its equipments perfect and its stock complete in every particular in this line of traffic. It is located on the principal business street of the city, Fifth Avenue. It has been erected at great expense and in the most thorough manner, with the sole purpose of making it a superior office building and perfect in all its appointments. It is eight stories in height; the first floor cellar, and also the connecting four-story warehouse in the rear are occupied by him, and the remaining upper stories, devoted to office purposes, consisting of some ninety offices that have no equal in the city as to finish, light and ventilation. The front is built of polished red granite, and Philadelphia pressed brick laid in red mortar together with its pleasing design makes it a distinctive building.

Brand names used by this company include: "1855 Pure Rye", "Mc Kim's 1860", and "Old Columbia."

Company name timeline:
Schmidt & Friday (1870-1887), Geo. W Schmidt (1889-1902), Geo. W Schmidt Co. (1903-1918)

Address timeline:
334-336 Penn (1870), 11 th & Penn (1871-1873), 384-386 Penn Ave (1876-1883), Penn Ave & 11th (1884-1885), 95-97 5 th Ave (1887-1895), 339-341 5 th Ave (1896-1905), 100 6 th (1906-1912), Duquesne Way & Federal (1913-1914), Duquesne Way & 6 th (1915), 100 6 th (1917-1918)

Find out more about Geo. W Schmidt Co.

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This glass is shown for informational purposes only and is not for sale.

We MAY be able to find a glass like this for you, however.

Be warned, these glasses are rare antiques, around 100 years old. Prices typically range from $30 or so on the more common glasses (e.g., a Hayner or a Detrick) to $250+ on desirable picture glasses.

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