
Original artwork and Greeting cards
by JuliaJaneArt




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Fine Old / (monogram consisting of frosted C with intertwined outline V) / Whiskies / Caspar Vetter (slanted script) / 427 / Poplar Str / Cor. of / Lawrence / Philadelphia (All lines in script).

ID#: RRP426
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Glass Category:Liquor advertising
Glass Type:Thin-walled shot
Label Type:Usual white-etched label, gold rim
Dimensions:2-1/2 " x 1-15/16 " x 1-1/2"
Edmonson:Not listed
Caspar Vetter listed from 1865-1921.

Caspar Vetter shows up in the 1860 directory as a "hosteler" at 858 N 4 th.
In 1865, there is a "Jasper Vetter, Wines & Liquors": presumably the same man.
In 1870, Caspar is described as "Lager", a name that remains for the next several decades, and is in partnership with Theodore, who is a clerk, and Caspar Vetter Jr., Rectifier.
Caspar Jr has left by 1880 and is now working at Keller & Vetter, Flour Merchants. Theodore drops out and sets up on his own sometime before 1890.
Caspar appears in "Philadelphia Old and New", pub. 1895. We're told that was German, born in Baden, and came to the US in 1854. The business premises at 427 Poplar was a 3 storey brick building, 30 x 60 feet area (in 2004 there's only a vacant lot).

When Prohibition is enacted, Caspar remains at his store (also his home) on Poplar but now selling soft drinks (1921). By 1925, he appears to have retired since his listing is absent of an occupation.

Brand names used by this company include: "Fine Old Whiskies", and "Old Chimney Corner Pure Rye."

Company name timeline:
Jasper Vetter (1865), Theodore & Caspar Vetter (1870), Caspar Vetter (1875-1921)

Address timeline:
859 Lawrence (1865), 427 Poplar (1870), Lawrence c Poplar & N (4th?) 11 th c George (1875), 427 Poplar (1881-1921)

Find out more about Caspar Vetter

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This glass is shown for informational purposes only and is not for sale.

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Be warned, these glasses are rare antiques, around 100 years old. Prices typically range from $30 or so on the more common glasses (e.g., a Hayner or a Detrick) to $250+ on desirable picture glasses.

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