
Original artwork and Greeting cards
by JuliaJaneArt




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L. SAMUELS & COMPANY / NEW YORK. Above label is the monogram LS&Co at the center of a sunburst. Within the rays are tiny letters spelling out LARCH / WOOD (at 2 o'clock), FEA????? / SLOE GIN (at 4 o'clock) RED CROSS / MONOGRAM (at 6 o'clock) MOUNT / MORRIS (at 10 o'clock). Lettering at 8 o'clock is unreadable, small lettering may be incorrect.

ID#: RRP717
How do I buy this glass?
see details below
Glass Category:Liquor advertising
Glass Type:Flared thin-walled shot
Label Type:Usual white-etched label, gold rim
Dimensions:3-1/16 " x 12-1/16 " x 1-7/16"
Edmonson:Not listed
City:New York
L Samuels & Co. listed from 1916-1918.

Brand names used by this company include: "Larch Wood", "Monogram", "Mount Morris", and "Red Cross."

Company name timeline:
L Samuels & Co.

Address timeline:
42 W Broadway

Find out more about L Samuels & Co.

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This glass is shown for informational purposes only and is not for sale.

We MAY be able to find a glass like this for you, however.

Be warned, these glasses are rare antiques, around 100 years old. Prices typically range from $30 or so on the more common glasses (e.g., a Hayner or a Detrick) to $250+ on desirable picture glasses.

Please send a message expressing your interest using the comment box below -- and don't forget to include an e-mail address or we have no way of knowing who to reply to!

Re glass ID# RRP717:

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