
Original artwork and Greeting cards
by JuliaJaneArt




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Boots (slanted script). Cash (slanted) / Chemists (reverse arched). All text is tsp on a frosted shield within a frosted outline. The reverse is engraved with dose lines and labelled vertically TABLE-SPOONS and TEA-SPOONS.

ID#: TGM1170
How do I buy this glass?
see details below
Glass Category:Drug Store
Glass Type:Thin-walled dose glass
Label Type:Usual white-etched label
Dimensions:2-7/16 " x 2 " x 1-1/2"
Edmonson:Not listed
City:Nottingham, England
Boots is the largest and best known chemist (drug store) in the UK . It began in 1849 when John Boot opened a herbalist shop, "The British and American Botanic Establishment", at 6 Goose Gate in Nottingham. It sold patent medicines. John Boot died at the age of 45 in 1860, leaving his wife Mary to manage the shop. She was aided by of her ten year-old son, Jesse, who gathered and prepared herbs as well as serving behind the counter.

Jesse Boot is responsible for establishing the modern-day company. When he turned 21 he became a partner in his father's shop, trading under the name of "M. & J. Boot, Herbalists". According to official company history, he was determined to cut his prices and asked customers to pay cash rather than offering them credit - hence the name "cash chemists".

In 1883 Jesse established the business as a private company, "Boot and Company Limited", with himself as chairman and managing director. The company never looked back and now has branches in virtually every small town throughout the UK.

Company name timeline:
Jesse Boot

Address timeline:
No information

Find out more about Jesse Boot

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This glass is shown for informational purposes only and is not for sale.

We MAY be able to find a glass like this for you, however.

Be warned, these glasses are rare antiques, around 100 years old. Prices typically range from $30 or so on the more common glasses (e.g., a Hayner or a Detrick) to $250+ on desirable picture glasses.

Please send a message expressing your interest using the comment box below -- and don't forget to include an e-mail address or we have no way of knowing who to reply to!

Re glass ID# TGM1170:

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