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Warehouse records for RD#18, Tax District #11 (OH)
1898: A transaction was recorded for a warehouse located in or near Ashley, Delaware County, OH
The transaction was carried out by O M Gilbert, transaction code: "D, T, W". (explain codes)
| 1901: A transaction was recorded for a warehouse located in or near Ashbey, Delaware County, OH
The transaction was carried out by O M Gilbert, transaction code: "D, T, W". (explain codes)
| 1903: A transaction was recorded for a warehouse located in or near Ashley, Delaware County, OH
The transaction was carried out by O M Gillert, transaction code: "D, T, W". (explain codes)
| 1904: A transaction was recorded for a warehouse located in or near Ashley, Delaware County, OH
The transaction was carried out by O M Gilbert, transaction code: "D, T, W". (explain codes)