
Original artwork and Greeting cards
by JuliaJaneArt




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SOUVENIR (arched) / WELCOME (in tsp letters on two clasped hands) / WAYNESBORO / CENTENNIAL 1797 - 1897. On the back is: TAKE / VICTOR (tsp in an inverted frosted crescent) / LIVER / SYRUP.

ID#: RRP1030
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Glass Category:Tonic
Glass Type:Thin-walled cylinder
Label Type:Usual white-etched label
Dimensions:2-7/16" x 1-7/8" x 1-5/8"
Edmonson:Not listed
Victor Liver Syrup was introduced in 1884 by Dr. P.D. Fahrney, originally from Boonsboro, Maryland. The Victor Remedies Company operated at 6. N. East St. in Frederick, MD and it produced a line of medicinal products. Victor Liver Syrup had previously been called "Old Blood Purge", a blood and liver purge that was suggested to "...purify the blood, renovate the liver and act upon the bowels, thereby cleansing the entire system".
Other products included "Victor Pain Balm" that was advertised for such ills as "Cramps, Cholera, Morbus, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colds or Weak Stomach: Quinsy, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in Back or Joints, also good for Toothache". Victor Liniment was advertised as "Victor - The Great Bone and Nerve Liniment , equally good for man or beast. Posesses the healing qualities for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Open Sores,Callous Lumps,Aches, Pains, Soreness of Chest, side or back and Croup, that dreaded affliction that comes without a moments notice". "Victor Infants Relief" was "The babe's digestive tonic, the remedy for all bowel diseases. Viz: Colic diarrhea, cholera infantum, griping, green or slimy stools, spasms of bowels and an excellent teething medicine". The product contained cannabis extract and chloroform. "Victor Lung Syrup" was "The throat and Lung remedy, the remedy for consumption in the first stage, brinchitis, whooping cough, colds, coughs, hoarseness, asthma and kindred throat and lung troubles"
Fahrney was an influential member of the German Baptist Church (the Dunkards) and sponsored many of their events, which explains the origins of the series of German Baptist Souvenir glasses. These glasses also bear the distinctive handiwork of master etcher George Truog of Cumberland, MD.

Company name timeline:
Victor Remedies Company

Address timeline:
6 N East St.

Find out more about Victor Remedies Co.

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This glass is shown for informational purposes only and is not for sale.

We MAY be able to find a glass like this for you, however.

Be warned, these glasses are rare antiques, around 100 years old. Prices typically range from $30 or so on the more common glasses (e.g., a Hayner or a Detrick) to $250+ on desirable picture glasses.

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