
Original artwork and Greeting cards
by JuliaJaneArt




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RED TOP (decreasing height to right) / RYE

ID#: RRP2451
How do I buy this glass?
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Glass Category:Liquor advertising
Glass Type:Thin-walled shot
Label Type:Usual white-etched label, gold rim
Dimensions:2-3/16" x 1-7/8" x 1-5/16"
Edmonson:OASG, p. 157, entry #1
City:St. Joseph
Brand Registered:1900
Ferdinand Westheimer & Sons listed from 1879-1915.

The Wilsons say that in 1868, Ferdinand Westheimer was partnered with Epstein in a grocery and tobacco & liquor store in St. Joseph.

In 1871, the brothers Samuel and Ferdinand Westheimer set up their own partnership and became wholesale liquor dealers on 2nd St.

In 1878, the brothers parted ways. Samuel continued operating the store on 2 nd St., eventually taking on his son. Their business continued successfully until prohibition.

In the mid 1880's, Ferd took on his own sons as partners and in 1897, the company consisted of Ferdinand, E. F., M. F., and L. F. Westheimer.

By the time Ferd died, he was owner of the Old Times Distillery in Louisville, KY. and the company had branch office in Cincinnati, OH that lists until Prohibition.

Brand names used by this company include: "Boston League", "C. C. Bond", "Clover Brook", "Manhattan Reserve", "McAllister", "Number One", "Old Hutch", "Planet", "Pullman Pure Rye", "Red Top Rye", "Top", and "White House Club."

Company name timeline:
Ferdinand Westheimer & Co. (1879-1880), Ferdinand Westheimer (1881-1885), Ferdinand Westheimer & Sons (1887-1915)

Address timeline:
205-207 S 3 rd

Find out more about Ferdinand Westheimer & Sons

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This glass is shown for informational purposes only and is not for sale.

We MAY be able to find a glass like this for you, however.

Be warned, these glasses are rare antiques, around 100 years old. Prices typically range from $30 or so on the more common glasses (e.g., a Hayner or a Detrick) to $250+ on desirable picture glasses.

Please send a message expressing your interest using the comment box below -- and don't forget to include an e-mail address or we have no way of knowing who to reply to!

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