eBay regulars will have found it hard to miss the one-of-a kind collection of pre-pro shots offered for sale by birdstreetantiques (a few relists are still available as I write). Most small collections are motley affairs, being composed of several of the usual Hayner variants, Sunny Brooks, Detricks, and the ever popular embossed Calverts (common, but not pre-pro).
Not so the birdstreetantiques offering. The seller is representing a family of an elderly lady from Barbara Edmonson’s old hunting grounds in CA. The collector in question has an exceptional eye for the rare and valuable, with several examples of glasses that have not been documented before, either in published sources or in the databases here at pre-pro.com. These included three lugs — one unknown — which had the Poobah salivating like a rabid mutt watching steaks cook on a grill.
Perhaps the most important of these was an “Old Homestead“, from Samuel Westheimer of St. Joseph, MO. Not only is this an older glass (pre-1900), it was clearly the work of George Truog of the Maryland Glass Etching Works fame.

Not surprisingly, the glass attracted numerous bids, eventually falling to id b***w for $305. Congratulations to the winner!